Akechi Archive
Here's the webpage dedicated to all of the stuff I've done relating to Goro Akechi.
Quote Bots
With(out) Akechi Comparison Videos
Videos showcasing the differences in certain events depending on Akechi's (and/or Maruki's) Confidant ranks.
Goro Akechi Dialogue Event Archive (Google Drive)
Archiving (almost) every dialogue event/cutscene that features Goro Akechi to a non-insignificant extent, not limited to just P5R. Every dialogue response variation is showcased if possible.
In multiple forms:
- Script (WIP, excluding Justice Confidant Ranks)
P5(R) Main Story
- All Early Morning Train Station Scenes
- June 9th, Afternoon (Delicious Pancakes)
- June 10th, Afternoon (Justice Rank 1)
- July 24th, Evening
- August 28th, Daytime (Leblanc)
- October 24th, Evening ("Honey, I'm home.")
- October 25th (Spicy Takoyaki Scene)
- October 26th, Afternoon (School Festival Panel)
- October 28th, After School
- Sae's Palace
- Shido's Palace
- P5R-Exclusive
- P5T: Repaint Your Heart DLC - All Hideout Conversations
P5(R) Main Story
P5R Justice Confidant: